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Include men in conversations about safe abortion to dispel myths

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Reproductive health issues have traditionally been assumed to only be the concern of women, yet they affect men and women directly and should concern both sexes equally.

This is evident in the recent conversations around contraception uptake, there is an unspoken assumption that family planning is a woman’s burden. In many cases men are less likely to avail themselves of health services or treatment or even use reproductive health services and contraceptives in general.

However, no issue witnesses this division and gender imbalance than the issue of abortion. While no woman would need an abortion if it wasn’t due to a sexual encounter with a man, it is ironic that many men are quick in spreading myths and misconceptions about abortion.

It is key to demystify myths and misconceptions around abortion, and involve men in getting the issues right.

There is a stereotype that unplanned pregnancies and abortion are only done by certain types of women – especially those with “questionable” morals. It is a misconception that only single sexually active and irresponsible women experience unplanned pregnancy.

The truth of the matter is, all kinds of women around the world both rich and poor experience unplanned pregnancies, including women who are already mothers and those who aren’t.

Secondly it is said that abortion is only for women who experience sexual assault. However, it is worth noting that every woman has a right to access reproductive health services as promised by the constitution.

Thirdly, most men think that women have no right to decide what is right for them. It is critical that no one should make a decision for a woman in regards to their choice of whether or not to keep a pregnancy. Given the accurate information in regards to the available choices are key to aid the woman in making the right choice.

Worldwide unmet sexual and reproductive health needs are critical threat to the health of an individual and gender related inequalities remain a significant barrier to addressing such health issues. Men often wield power over many aspects of women’s lives. It is also men who control access to critical reproductive health information and services including safe abortion and contraception.

Around the world 25 million unsafe abortions take place each year. Women and girls continue to be deprived of their rights to highest attainable health including access to safe abortion due to social norms and legal provisions ruling against universal access to sexual reproductive health and rights.

Education and policy implementation of the safe abortion policy and services in all health facilities is crucial. This will strengthen adolescent and women reproductive health.

Engaging men and boys in reproductive health including safe abortion related programs from a gender lens will influence their understanding of gender norms and ultimately improve health outcomes. Since young men and boys are future partners, community members and leaders, reaching them with programs that promote gender equitable attitudes and behaviors is key to ensuring future is free of unsafe abortion.

Abortion is not just a woman’s issue. There is no pregnancy without a man! Therefore, we must involve men in the abortion conversation.

Ms Laikipian is a co-founder Women for Sustainable Change and Ms. Kathia is a reproductive health advocate at the Network for Adolescent and Youth of Africa (NAYA) Kenya.