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Pathway To Empowerment – An Anthology (2nd Edition)

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Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) from underserved communities must be empowered to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health, embrace their sexuality, and live free of harmful cultural practices in a gender-neutral and violence-free society.

In Kenya, the Power to You(th) program is active in four counties: Kajiado, HomaBay, Siaya, and Migori. These counties were selected due to their patriarchal nature, where decision-making is predominantly in the hands of men, and adolescents, girls, and young women often face marginalisation.

Additionally, there is a high frequency of harmful practices in these counties, including forced and early marriage, teenage pregnancies, and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

“Pathway To Empowerment,” an anthology, is the second edition of Power to Youth Stories, and features brief autobiographies from a range of social actors, such as legislators, activists, and youth. Everyone who offered to share their story does so from their place of employment, residence, or educational institution within the project’s execution zones. Through their contributions, the project empowers people and transforms harmful practices.

This anthology seeks to shed light on important topics related to harmful practices and injustices against women and young women concerning their sexual and reproductive health and rights. It focuses on three specific issues that urgently need attention: teenage pregnancy, child marriage, sexual and gender-based violence, and female genital mutilation. These problems have a significant negative influence on the rights, development, and well-being of young people and adolescent girls.

May the resilience in their stories inspire the youth as they forge their own paths!