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According to UNICEF, in developing countries, annually, approximately 21 million girls aged
15-19 become pregnant, and approximately 12 million give birth. This is no different in Migori
County, where about 1 in 4 (24%) girls aged between 15-19 years have begun child bearing,
3.4% are pregnant with their first child and 20.9% have ever given birth.
The high incidences of teenage pregnancies, as highlighted by UNICEF and specific to Migori
County, indicate the urgency of targeted interventions to address the factors contributing to early
pregnancies. These numbers emphasize the need for comprehensive strategies and support
systems to empower young girls and reduce the prevalence of early pregnancies. Education,
access to reproductive health services, and community awareness programs can play crucial roles
in diminishing this challenge and empowering young girls.
The vulnerability of girls to teenage pregnancies, caused by factors like poverty, inadequate
knowledge, sexual violence, and harmful cultural practices, indeed impacts the associated
challenges. The negative consequences, including the spread of STIs, child marriage, school
dropouts, unsafe abortions, and financial dependence, highlight the urgent need for targeted
interventions addressing these root causes to break the cycle and promote the well-being of
vulnerable girls.
The intergenerational cycle of teenage pregnancy can indeed pose challenges, impacting both
families and the legal system. Breaking this cycle may require comprehensive efforts, including
education, support systems, and community involvement to address the root causes and provide
alternatives for young individuals.
Kenya’s initiatives, such as the National Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health policy and
the Children’s court, demonstrate a commitment to addressing these challenges through legal
frameworks and comprehensive health policies. Ongoing efforts are crucial in ensuring the well-
being and rights of adolescents.
Addressing the issue of teenage pregnancies demands a collaborative approach involving public
education, parental guidance and enhanced legal efforts. Creating awareness about the
consequences, providing age-appropriate sex education, and ensuring justice for vulnerable girls

through effective law enforcement are key steps towards breaking the cycle and fostering a safe
environment for adolescents.

Rita Mokami,

NAYA Youth Advocate- Migori.