By Elsharon Ngobiro, Jecinta Ogando
Mental health is defined as “a state of well-being whereby individuals recognize and realize their
abilities, are able to cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and make a
contribution to their communities” (WHO). Positive mental health includes emotion, cognition,
and social functioning and coherence.
Mental health is a key determinant of overall health and socio-economic development. It influences a
variety of outcomes for individuals and communities such as healthier lifestyles; better physical health;
improved recovery from illness; fewer limitations in daily living; higher education attainment; greater
productivity, employment and earnings; better relationships with adults and with children; more social
cohesion and engagement and improved quality of life. It affects around 1 in every 8
people of the global population and some mental health conditions, specifically depression is projected
to becoming a leading cause of disability world wide by 2030.
In Kenya mental health has a significant impact on lives of Adolescents and young people as they
express rapid mood changes, negative attitude about life, suicidal thoughts, most of them have
trauma, are stressed and depressed, poor performance in schools and at work places since they can’t
concentrate and be effective.It’s sad to see a young boy and girl full of potential and very intelligent
committing suicide or indulging in risky behaviors such as drug and substance abuse, sex with multiple
partners which may result to death, getting infected with HIV or even teenage pregnancy just because
they couldn’t cope up or handle an issue.
From several talks with the Adolescents and young people it’s found out that major causes of stress and
depression originate from the family. For instance in homes where children witness tumultuous battles
between parents, the quarrels, fights and resentments has left many children in trauma, being so
insecure and living in dear everyday. Some families use abusive and negative words in addressing others
for example parents to children and siblings to siblings. It stood out in most family where parents or
guardians are drunkards address their children using vulgar language that hurts the children leaving a
negative impact on them.These experiences inflicts wounds deep within the souls of AYPs as it lowers
their self esteem and their health has also deteriorated.
Oftentimes the AYPs carry around the weight of their conflict, internalizing their pain and projecting it
into their own life. Anxiety, depression and pervasive sense of worthlessness becomes their companion,
drawing them into isolation.Its in this dark hours of despair that the AYPs make weird and bad choices
about their lives which has a direct impact on their mental health. Many AYPs live in homes but they are
It shows us how much our actions and words affects greatly the lives of those around us. Building a
strong supportive network as families and friends will make the world a better place for all of us. Family
members that’s is parents, relatives and siblings should be sensitized and have a wide variety of
knowledge and information to know how to handle different issues without losing a soul to depression.
A healthy mind is a healthy life.