You(th) Care

About You(th) Care

You(th) Care is a four (4) year project funded by Aidsfonds. The project is currently being implemented in Three (3) countries of the East Africa region namely; Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia. In Kenya, the project is implemented by NAYA-Kenya, AYARHEP and WOFAK in Homabay and Nairobi Counties. The project aims to enable adolescents and young people aged 10-25 years, especially adolescent girls and boys at risk of poor SRHR and HIV outcomes  

You(th) Care objectives

The Project aims: 

  1. To ensure vulnerable adolescents and young people (10-25 years) benefit from a more supportive policy and community environment. 
  2. To strengthen the health care systems for enhanced and effective youth-friendly service delivery.
  3. To enable the target beneficiaries to practice self-care interventions to prevent HIV and AIDS, access family planning and promote and maintain their SRH needs.

You(th) care Interventions

Pathway 1: Support adolescent and youth-led actions that promote enabling legal, political and societal environment for vulnerable adolescents and young people to claim and access SRHR services, including self-care by ensuring that duty bearers adopt and implement laws and policies and promote adolescent and young people as agents of change.

Pathway 2: Strengthen public and community health systems to improve access to, and increase demand for SRHR and HIV information and services through advocacy and capacity building of healthcare workers towards the delivery of youth-friendly, non-discriminatory SRHR information and services.

Pathway 3: Advocate for self-care interventions aimed at enabling individuals, families and communities to promote their own health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker.

Synergy with other development initiatives

The you(th) care advances implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action; the Beijing Platform for Action; The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women(CEDAW); and the 2021-2026 UNAIDS Global AIDS Strategy.

You(th) care partners

You(th) Care is implemented by 11 consortium partners:

Global Partners


Y+ Global

The AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA)

Paediatric AIDS Treatment for Africa (PATA)

Kenya Country Consortium

Ambassador for Youth and Adolescent Reproductive Health Programme (AYARHEP)

Network for Adolescent and Youth of Africa (NAYA)

Women Fighting AIDS in Kenya (WOFAK)

Zambia Country Consortium

Copper Rose

Zambia Network of Young People Living with HIV (ZYNP+)

Tanzania Country Consortium

Children’s Dignity Forum (CDF)

The Network of Young People Living with HIV and AIDS in Tanzania (NYP+)