Right Here Right Now II (RHRN II)
The Kenya RHRN II programme is implemented by a consortium of 7 partner organisations who are progressive, youth led or youth serving, working around SRHR and deploying innovative approaches in programming and advocacy. The program implements a robust human right based approach focusing on an innovative locally rooted, youth-led high impact, cost effective and sustainable programme underpinning its interventions around meaningful involvement of adolescents and young people particularly in informal settlements to improve the poor SRHR outcomes in Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu counties by 2025. The programme seeks to meaningfully contribute to improved Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) indicators and galvanize meaningful involvement of the target audiences including young people, adolescent girls and young women and marginalized groups including young people living with disabilities, young people living with HIV, LGBTIQ, teen mothers, young sex workers and adolescent girls broadly in the ages of 10-24 years.
Adolescents and young people, especially young women, sexual and gender minorities, and people living with disabilities have limited and/or insufficient access to quality sexual and reproductive health commodities, services and information including comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) that they need in order to live healthy lives.
Center for the Study of Adolescence (CSA), Network for Adolescent and Youth of Africa (NAYA), Love Matters Kenya, Nairobits Trust, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Alliance, Dream Achievers Youth Organization (DAYO) and the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC).
The Outcomes:
- Young people 10-24 years in all their diversity in Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu in Kenya empowered to make decisions about their sexuality, voice their needs and claim their SRH rights: Achieved by support and recognition of young people in all their diversity from these counties to be active agents of CSE; building their competencies to navigate social, physical and emotional challenges relating to their sexuality and are making informed choices; increase young people’s access to SRHR information and education; and empowering them to become comfortable around sexuality topics and sexuality conversations.
- A critical mass reinforcing positive norms and values regarding young people’s SRHR and gender justice. Achieved through increased voice of key influencers, media and young people on SRH and gender justice issues; more positivity of young people, their immediate environment and digital communities towards SRHR, diversity and gender; Increased knowledge of key influencers, media and young people on SRHR and gender norms; and increased awareness of young people’s SRHR vision by the education sector policy makers and key stakeholders e.g., parents and teachers.
- Government’s adoption, implementation and accountability for human rights-based policies and laws that enable young people’s SRHR and gender justice: Achieved by securing decision makers’ political will and capacity to advance young people’s SRHR; empowering decision makers with knowledge on young people’s SRHR and gender norms; increased accountability of decision makers to the national, bilateral and multilateral stakeholders; Improved implementation of regional and international agreements on SRHR and gender; and increased and meaningful inclusion of CSOs and young people in decision making that affects needs.
- Strong CSO network for young people’s SRHR and gender justice: Achieved through increased and prominent role of young people in the ASRHR movement; increased inclusivity of CSOs; and improved connection, organization and resilience of youth led CSOs at local, national, regional and international levels.