Welcome to NAYA
The Network for Adolescent and Youth of Africa (NAYA) is a youth led regional advocacy network founded in October 2001 by the African Regional Office of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA).
NAYA aims at enhancing the capacity of youth advocates, young people, youth led organisations and policy makers to undertake Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) advocacy at international, regional, national and counties in Kenya to improve the quality, affordability and accessibility of health including SRHR information and services.

Our Vision
A gender just society where all adolescents and young people enjoy their health including Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.
Our Mission
To advocate for the development and implementation of adolescent and young people friendly legislation and policies on health including sexual and reproductive health and rights at all levels.
Our Goal
To contribute towards an enabling legal and policy environment that respects, fulfils and protects health including sexual and reproductive health and rights of all adolescents and young people in Kenya.
NAYA uses the Participatory Advocacy Model for the Youth (PAMY). The PAMY model is built on the concept of meaningful youth participation and the commitment of NAYA in meaningful involvement of young people in program management cycle.
Meaningful Youth Participation means that young people are empowered to take an active role in decision-making at various levels in an organization and within different stages of a program.
Days: Monday - Friday
Hours: 8:00 - 17:00 Hrs
Upper Hill Gardens, B31, 3rd Ngong Avenue
Phone: (+254) 057 2511330
Email: info@nayakenya.org